October 19th, 2010

Uh, I could go on but I need a minute to compose myself. Whew.

There, much better. Now, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted?

Ah, yes, I was talking about all of the BIG news I have to share!!!


Where to begin? Where to begin?

There’s SO much to talk about that it’s abs-solutely MIND-BLOWING (and, if you know, Mr. PEC-Tacular, I have the intellect of a World-Class Scholar so it takes A LOT to blow my mind)!! LOL

Okay, I guess the best place to start is where I left off last time. On a serious note, these last couple of months have been a whirlwind for me. Two of the best months of my life, actually.

Suffice it to say, I truly have the BEST friends and family in the world. In fact, I would say that they’re, well, PEC-Tacular!!

The reaction that I’ve received from my latest Big Brother appearance on CBS back in August was truly humbling (and, as you all know, I’m rarely humbled). LOL

I heard from no less than literally THOUSANDS of Mr. PEC-Tacular fans worldwide, as well as many of my friends from TNA, WFX, OVW, WWE, FCW, The WNBF, MTV, and, of course, CBS, following my surprise appearance on Big Brother…and I truly can’t put into words how much that meant to me.

I’m really ecstatic and proud to mention that the Producers of Big Brother are truly my second family and I love all of them from the bottom of my heart…especially the one and only, BRILLIANT CHRIS ROACH!!!

As I’ve always said, Chris is just the cream of the crop. The BEST of the BEST.


And, as always, I must also thank the incomparably PEC-Tacular Allison Grodner, Shawn Laws, Rich Meehan, Don Wollman, Jerry D’Alessandro, Michael O’Sullivan, Robyn Kass, Samantha Billett Rosenblum, Elizabeth Cho, Julie Chen (of course!) and truly the entire BB family for giving me this latest opportunity.

And I also wanted to congratulate Julie on her latest show, “The Talk”. I watched the premiere on CBS this past Monday and I would describe it, as…oh, how should I say it?

YES, abs-solutely PEC-Tacular, natch!!!!!!

Now, in case you missed it, here was my latest CBS appearance (that has been written about on thousands of websites both domestically and internationally…ENJOY!):

Extended Clip- Jessie Returns Season 10 and 11’s Jessie returns for some one-on-one training with Britney.

I did look incredible in that clip, now didn’t I?

I had the approx. 20″ Gunz working (you know, “Continuously” & “Awesome”), the PEC-Tacular PECS were at their finest, the shoulders could only be categorized as Boulder Shoulders, the Tree Trunk Legs were thicker than ever, and the 8-pack abs were, well, as I said in the clip, SPARKLING.

Yes, indeedy!!!

And, that was two months ago.

I’ve actually gotten EVEN bigger and in EVEN BETTER SHAPE since then.

Yes, I know, it’s insane. It defies logic. But, it’s true!

Better yet, I am also the most HANDSOME man on the face of this planet.

In fact, I am more chiseled both facially and physique-wise than ANYBODY in well, heck, the HUMAN RACE!!!!!!

And, let’s not forget about my SUPER-HUMAN STRENGTH, mind you.

I PEC-Tacular Press my opponents overhead with such ease that I could probably do it with one arm while eating a ham sandwich (lean, of course) with the other arm.

And, have I mentioned my incomparable charisma and personality?

They’ll just blow you away.

But, enough about me…

Onto more news about, uh, well…

ME!!!! LOL

Now let’s move onto the news everyone has been waiting for…

YES, to confirm all of the rumors, I did have the absolute privilege of doing a dark match at the TNA iMPACT! tapings last week against the incredibly talented superstar Stevie Richards.

He was PEC-Tacular and I was honored to share the same ring as him.

We had an excellent match and the audience reaction was through the roof. The TNA fans are AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGG!!!

I also wanted to give a special shout-out to the one and only Carol Johnson.

She’s possibly THEE biggest Mr. PEC-Tacular fan of all time and I’m so lucky to have her in my corner. She’s one of my favorite people EVER.

As for the TNA match, when I PEC-Tacular Pressed Stevie overhead (with ease, I might add), the fans went wild.

And whenever I flexed and showed off the physique, again, the fans responded with a huge reaction (both cheers and jeers).

Their reaction made me feel abs-solutely PEC-Tacular, natch!

Now, there has been a tremendous amount of speculation as to what happens next and I know that both the wrestling world and the reality show world have been circulating all sorts of “news” and even a bogus “official press release”…but that’s all rumors and innuendo.

I cannot comment whatsoever on anything involving my status with TNA at this time. The only thing I can confirm is that I had a dark match last week. That’s it. There’s nothing else to report at this time. Nothing is official. Sorry!!

If or when something does become official, TNA (and TNA only) will report it.

In the meantime, I do want to thank my dear friends Dixie Carter and Terry Taylor from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to have that match for TNA. And, like the folks at CBS, I consider both of them like a second family to me as well.

I also wanted to send a special thank you to D’Lo Brown for personally inviting me to the TNA iMPACT zone and arranging the match-up that I had (and for our talk afterwards). It’s something that I will remember forever. D’Lo Brown is PEC-Tacular, people!!

I truly have the utmost respect for Dixie, Terry and D’Lo. They are three of the nicest, most encouraging, most special and most amazing people I have ever met. I feel so lucky to know them and consider them my friends.

Two other folks from TNA who I also have the utmost respect for are world-renowned pro wrestling superstars Brother Ray & Devon from TNA! They’re also the owners and head instructors at the world famous Team 3D Academy in Kissimee, Florida.

Any prospective wrestlers out there who want a phenomenal organization to join to continue learning their craft should definitely join The Team 3D Academy!!

This company is run by two of the biggest legends this business has ever seen (not to mention the MOST SUCCESSFUL TAG TEAM OF ALL TIME–Brother Ray & Devon) and you will truly learn how to improve your wrestling skills immensely if you attend!!

If you decide to join, you’ll be really glad you did. Just tell them Mr. PEC-Tacular sent you!

Here is their address:

The Team 3D Academy Of Professional Wrestling
4636 Irlo Bronson Hwy. (Route 192)
Kissimmee, Florida 34746


Telephone #: (407) 390-9005

Website: Team 3D Academy

Now, before moving on, please allow Mr. PEC-Tacular to get sentimental for a moment:

Over the last couple of years, I have met the most AMAZING people as I’ve pursued my dream of becoming a Pro Wrestler. I’ve gone from California to Florida to Kentucky, back to Florida, back to Kentucky, and now back to Florida. And I’ve also been in Winnipeg several times too during that time. It’s been quite a trip (literally). LOL

That being said, I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. I love the Professional Wrestling industry and I hope to be a major part of it for decades to come!!

We’ll see what happens next. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I can only hope for the best!

Okay, let’s move on to some other PEC-Tacular news…

I am now officially able to reveal the identity of the superstar who I was alluding to in my last BLOG (who I did THEE most PEC-Tacular Arm & Chest Workout DVD of all time with)…

It’s none other than Daytime Superstar AUSTIN PECK from NBC’s Days Of Our Lives & CBS’s As The World Turns!!

The Mr. PEC-Tacular Arm & Chest Workout DVD should be out around Thanksgiving (or early December at the absolute latest) and it will make a great Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa Present for friends and family alike.

It’s SOOOOOO incredible, I can’t even put into words how cool it is!!!!!!!!

In the DVD, Austin and I do an extensive ARM Workout you just have to see to believe!!!

You’ll get an EXCLUSIVE, inside-peek firsthand at exactly how I’ve gotten my approx. 20″ gunz (“Continuously” and “Awesome”) to become as BIG and MASSIVE as they are today.

You won’t see this exciting and visually captivating footage ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!!

Then, if THAT wasn’t enough…

Austin and I do a PEC-Tacular CHEST Workout that’s equally as EXCITING and ENTERTAINING.

You’ll again learn exactly how I’ve made my PEC-Tacular PECS just so MASSIVE and PEC-Tacular that they’re now world-renowned!!!

Then, if THAT wasn’t enough…

I actually then measure my GUNZ for all the world to see out there. In front of Austin himself so he can verify their size!!!

You’ll even see UPCLOSE shots of the GUNZ for proof that they are indeed among the biggest (if not THEE biggest) NATURAL GUNZ IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!

Then, if THAT wasn’t enough…

Austin and I then do a BODYBUILDING posedown to see if he has what it takes to make it onstage.

You’ll even get to see Austin as he shows off HIS gunz (which are pretty impressive as well, if I do say so myself)!

Then, if THAT wasn’t enough…

Austin puts me through an EXHAUSTING, LENGTHY BOOTCAMP style workout that tests my endurance to the absolute limit (not to mention me losing a couple of pounds in sweat alone). LOL

I’ve never been that tired in my entire life after a workout. The DVD is THAT AWESOME!!!

The Mr. PEC-Tacular Arm & Chest Workout DVD truly is an extraordinarily fun, incredibly motivational, phenomenally entertaining and easy-to-follow workout DVD that may help dramatically improve your lifestyle and overall health.

It’s one of the proudest projects I have ever worked on in my entire life (since I was a PEC-Tacular baby boy growing up in Iowa a couple of decades ago).

So, please make plans to pick-up a copy today…

Please keep checking next month for the official release date.

And, as for the Network Television Show Pilot I also just filmed, it’s entitled:

The Pecking Order with Austin Peck!

It’s an amazing and fascinating new Fitness Talk Show where Austin will be interviewing the BIGGEST stars in the world of primetime reality television to find out how they’ve got fit (and stay fit) year-round!

Plus, he’ll be working out with them in real-time in a gym during the interviews!!!

Talk about being PEC-Tacular!!!

First up on The Pecking Order: Yours Truly, natch!!!

I am the first guest because I am the BIGGEST star (both figuratively and literally) in the history of reality television. 🙂

And The Pecking Order will start looking for a television home early next year. I’ll keep you posted on the show’s progress.

Both projects are being produced by a fledgling production company in the New York area called If The World Spins Productions, run by its respected President and Owner, Daytime Emmy Award-Winning Producer and Director Sonia Blangiardo.

The projects are being Executive Produced by Sonia Blangiardo and by one of my best buds, Executive Producer Rob “Bucky” Buchalter from MTV, Sony Pictures Television, and NBC.

Here’s some press we’ve already received for the projects:

Michael Fairman Soaps


Daytime Confidential



We Love Soaps TV

Both abs-solutely PEC-Tacular projects are sponsored by the two BEST companies in the world:

GENr8 (and their top-selling product, Vitargo S2)


AquaHydrate High Performance Sports Water (the BEST water in the WORLDDDDD)!!!

For more information on both companies, please go here asap: (for GENr8’s Vitargo S2)

and… (for AquaHydrate High Performance Sports Water)

Genr8, by the way, is the company that sponsors me as well (as a World-Class Professional Bodybuilder)

GENr8’s Vitargo S2 truly is the main reason why I have a chiseled, world-class PEC-Tacular physique and truly undeniable world-class strength.

It is a true honor being sponsored by this world-renowned company (and President/CEO/Co-Founder Anthony L. Almada, in particular).

Anthony is one of the nicest, most supportive, coolest individuals I’ve ever met and I’m privileged to call him a very close friend.

And, Anthony’s wife Darcie Edwards is equally as phenomenal. There is NOBODY better or more incredible to deal with than Darcie!

And I HIGHLY recommend both GENr8’s Vitargo S2 and AquaHydrate High Performance Sports Water to everyone out there (and I know that Austin does as well).

They both worked for me…and they can certainly work for you too.

Like I always say, if I were you, I’d try them right away. You’ll be so glad you did!

Now, moving on…

In case you haven’t heard the BIG news, I am also incredibly happy to report that I am The YOUNGEST 2 SPORT PRO ATHLETE EVERRRRRRR!

Turning Pro in Bodybuilding’s WNBF at age 20 and then turning Pro in Wrestling’s WFX at age 23 makes me MUCH younger than everyone who preceded me in any Pro sport.

The new official 2-sport Pro athlete list in the history of sports consists of:

Bo Jackson
Deion Sanders
Michael Jordan
Dave DeBusschere
Danny Ainge
Jim Thorpe
Tom Brown
Brian Jordan
Drew Henson…

and now, me, The tenth and Most Talented 2-Sport Pro Athlete Ever…

Mr. PEC-Tacular, Jessie Godderz.


Feel free to call me 2-Sport Pro Athlete, Mr. PEC-Tacular Jessie Godderz from now on.

It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?!!! LOL

Moving on…

In other news, I am so excited to be making a very special guest appearance on Tuesday, October 26th for the prestigious and famous OVW in Louisville, Kentucky.

Here’s all of the info on my appearance:

Ohio Valley Wrestling Homecoming II Oct 26th, 2010

That organization has helped to improve my wrestling skills DRAMATICALLY and it has been an absolute honor and privilege learning from world-renowned instructor (and a great personal friend), Nick Dinsmore (a.k.a. U-Gene).

Like The Team 3D Academy, Nick’s Professional Wrestling Class in OVW is THEE BEST of THEE BEST and is world-renowned for graduating a number of successful wrestlers who have gone on to superstardom.

On a personal note, Nick is a PEC-Tacular teacher and if you take his class, your skills will improve immeasurably!! Mine did and I owe him the world for that. He’s a GREAT guy and an unbelievable friend and mentor.

Here is their direct address for you to contact them:

Ohio Valley Wrestling
4400 Shepherdsville Rd.
Louisville, KY 40218

Email Addresses (send an inquiry to both):



In other PEC-Tacular news that I’m really happy to report, I have appeared at 3 MAJOR EVENTS since I last updated my BLOG.

In fact, I have plenty of pix of me from those events flexing my pecs for all of the PEC-Tacular fans!! Just feast your eyes on the PORTFOLIO section of my website right now:

Mr. PEC-Tacular Portfolio

The first MAJOR event that I was involved in was:


This event took place on Friday, October 1st at the famed One World Studios in Winnipeg, Canada–and it was another HUGE success.

I wrestled as 1/3 of the BEST tag team in the history of Wrestling: The Hollywood Love Guns (with Survivor’s Mega-Celebrity, uber-talented Jonny Fairplay and the equally talented, Superstar “Prime Cut” Jon Cutler).

I know that we’ll dominate the Tag Team division for years to come!!!!

Check us out right here in a PEC-Tacular video put together by the incomparable, super-talented Jessie Rempel from WFX:

Mr. PEC-Tacular 1/3 Hollywood Love Gunz Music Video Clip

And here are all of the details on the event:

And, on a serious note, being a prominent player in WFX this year was one of my proudest accomplishments. Mike Davidson and Jeff Dyck, in particular, have been abs-solutely PEC-Tacular to me and it has been an honor to be associated with their organization. They’re two of my closest friends and I cannot say enough great things about them.

I hope to remain a MAJOR player for their organization for decades to come!!!

Now, moving on…

The second MAJOR event that I was involved in was:


This event took place from Friday, September 24th – Sunday, September 26th in Las Vegas, Nevada and it was a PEC-Tacular success as well!

Fans were stopping by in droves, asking me to flex my nearly 20″ Gunz (“Continuously” & “Awesome”, natch), asking me to pick them up, and just wanting to take photos with me.

I truly had a blast overall and I was privileged to successfully represent GENr8 at yet another prestigious event:

You know, with the possible exception of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mr. PEC-Tacular is honestly the most well-known Pro Bodybuilder in the history of the sport!!!!

I know, I know, the number of accolades I’ve accrued is just ridiculous.

Uh, while we’re on the subject of being “ridiculous”, is being ridiculously jacked and tanned 365 days a year considered another accolade?

If so, please add another notch to my belt, thank you very much!

Here’s my latest “accomplishment” tally in case you lost track:

Latest Mr. PEC-Tacular Accomplishments

And here’s all of the info on this appearance:

The third MAJOR event that I was involved in was:


This was YET ANOTHER abs-solutely PEC-Tacular success. I had an abs-solute blast and I think I was one of the main attractions, natch!! 🙂

I want to thank the incomparable Niki Congero from Live at the Studio for making this appearance happen. She is what I would call abs-solutely PEC-Tacular!!

She is an AWESOME friend (make that a CONTINUOUSLY AWESOME friend) and she made the event super-successful!! I would feel honored to be invited back next year if she’ll have me.

There is NOBODY on the face of this earth who can make an event more successful than Niki can. She is a wonderful person and an incredibly talented promoter. It was a true pleasure working with her all the way around. And, on a personal note, she’s also a great friend!

Here was all of the info on that appearance:

Vegas Bash 2010

Finally, I am very, very excited to report that the most popular store in the history of stores (the Mr. PEC-Tacular STORE section of course) will have a GRAND re-opening soon with even more PEC-Tacular merchandise than ever before!!!!

Please keep checking Exclusive Mr. PEC-Tacular Store for more details as they become available.

Finally, I just wanted to give a shout-out to my good buddy Gary Trock at the newsmagazine TMZ. Who knows when I’ll turn up on that show again. Wink Wink. 🙂

Please check out his site if you have a free minute. It’s PEC-Tacular!!:

Okay, that’s it for now. I could go on but my approx. 20″ Gunz need to be fed right now (they can’t just keep growing being fed with admiration alone, you know).

Next time, I should have A LOT more news to share with you!!!

Until then, I just wanted to thank all of my friends, family, and especially my tens of millions of fans out there who are always there for me and who have stuck by me and supported me throughout this incredible journey I’ve been on (especially during the last 3 years).

Here’s to only more abs-solutely PEC-Tacular times ahead!!!!!!

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