Videos – Page 2

Happy #FlexFRIDAY 💪🏼😃👍🏼 The last time I posted a video, was a week ago. Since then I could be seen on #BB17 @CBSBigBrother, @IMPACTWRESTLING…AND @PopTV!! That's why I am #TheMAN and #ModernDayADONIS. With #20" + Gunz!! YAWN…It's hard Being This MULTI-TALENTED and GOOD LOOKING and POPULAR…But Someone's Gotta Do It!! @Muscle_Fitness @CBS @TheTalk_CBS ————————————— #inspiration #motivation #greatness #striveforgreatness #entrepreneur #lifestyle #dreams #livingthedream #success #mindset #goals #life #fitness #business #mastermind #aesthetics #Muscles #Workout #Mirrin #zyzz #symmetry #musclemania #mensphysique #WNBF

A video posted by Jessie (@mrpec_tacular) on

TURNOUT @MrOlympiaLLC has been AWESOME!! THANK YOU!! I don't get humbled often (as you can imagine) but this has been really, really cool. Loved meeting all of my fans from @IMPACTWRESTLING on @DestAmerica, @CBSBigBrother, @TheTalkCBS, #BBAD on @PopTV and @CAWLToArms on @ESPN! Been an INCREDIBLE time all around!! And it's not too late to meet me!! Swing on by @Vitargo Booth 1475 here @MrOlympiaLLC and I'll be here all day. #TheMAN #ModernDayADONIS #TheFUTURE #BB17

A video posted by Jessie (@mrpec_tacular) on